Sunday, February 7, 2010

Glassy but not calm

Nice morning this morning!

I thought I'd whack the glass on the bottom layer and let it cure while Jsper played at Creche. All stoked, I mixed 450ml Laminating resin with about 8 ml Catalyst. Looking good - gave it a stir and waiting a minute then poured it on the board. I squeegied all the base pretty well and went to wet the rails to pull them down and the resin went hard. The pot started cooking - literally smoking.

To make maters worse I didn't have gloves on (dumb ass) and I got resin all over both hands. So while I frantically mixed up a new batch of resin and tried to stick down the rails, disaster. The rails look like a dogs breakfast. Next I see that the first batch of resin is now nearly on fire (dark yellow with smoke coming from it). My concerns turn immediately to my hands - covered in the stuff. I run them under cold water for ages, then add in a little soap and thank god they wash up ok. I had visions of tried to call the poisons hotline with sticky figures and burning red hot hands.

So, I think I basically fucked the board! The bottom looks ok, and is pretty smooth, but the rails are a mess. I will take a photo and show you (if anyone's watching) and then I guess I'll try to trim what I can and sand what I can and hopefully get it back to a decent state.

Spewing, because the board was looking so good.

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